Auden Debussy Fjörds // Classics Collection

Story - Part One ~ Part of a lost transcript published by the ADF society.

Country Side  ~ Lost transcript as well by ADF, circa 1824, perhaps one of his earlier works.

Sons of Dawn  ~ Co-written by ADF, unfinished. Supposed to be written before 1824

Harvest Chanty  ~ Believed to be a translation of a more ancient Prose.

Turkey King ~ by José LeReche, transcribed by ADF

Salonica and the Moon Boy ~ Believed to be a translation of a more ancient Prose.

Archaic Trilogy Part One - The Saga of Søren  ~ Ancient Norse(?) Saga of spurious origin, transcribed by ADF. The remaining parts of the Archaic Trilogy are yet to be translated.

Auden Debussy Fjörds (1797-1893) was the son of a Jacob Debussy, a prestigious musician, lord, and Mason, and his mother Monica Debussy, a writer and harpist. He was a classically trained pianist and painter, and slowly gained recognition for his writings in an early Manchester Gazette. He began to make connections with Impressionist painters, whose works inspired his archaic writing styles and truths. He is most known for writing ancient poetries in line with folk tales, often which were the first of their class. He is also known for transcribing ancient poetries and prose. He stands out from his other peers in the sense that he sought out ancient folk tales of his own heritage, documenting them precisely according to the tradition of his ancestors. He published more than 50 original stories, at least 40 pieces of poetry, and 2 plays, titled The Harvest of Sun and Moon and Twas But For Love. He was a devout Catholic.
